List of third-party OPK applications: Difference between revisions

From The FunKey Wiki
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== Emulators ==
The following emulators add to the capabilities of the FunKey S by allowing emulation of several currently unsupported systems and improved emulation of several currently supported systems. To give users a sense of how well these emulators function, each is rated from ''low'' to ''high'' for both overall emulation accuracy and speed. ForTo improvedimprove the CPS2 emulation inof the libretro emulators below, [ this] configuration file should be placed in the ''/mnt/FunKey/.sdlretro/cfg'' location of the FunKey S file system.
{| align="center" width=100% class="wikitable sortable" style="text-align: center"
! Name !! Emulated System !! Accuracy !! Speed !! Author !! Download
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