List of third-party launcher themes

From The FunKey Wiki

This article lists third-party RetroFE themes and Gmenu2x skins. While the RetroFE and Gmenu2x launchers already have the Classic, EmuStation, Flat, FunKey, RetroDex, TFT and Default, GCW, ScanlinesBlue, ScalinesRed default themes, respectively, users seeking to customize their devices further may do so using one of the additional theme options below. Should you need to re-download the EmuStation or RetroDex RetroFE themes, their files are located here and here, respectively.

Inclusion criteria

To be considered for inclusion, a theme or skin must be:

  • Sufficiently appropriate for a general audience.
  • Sufficiently modified from the default theme or skin. It must distinguish itself through the alternation of two or more elements in a way that makes it distinct.
  • Designed for use on the FunKey S. Themes or skins created for other devices that use RetroFE or Gmenu2x must be adapted for use on the FunKey S prior to their inclusion.


To use one of the RetroFE themes listed below, begin by downloading and extracting its associated ZIP file. With the FunKey S mounted to your computer, first copy and paste the generated folder into the /mnt/FunKey/.retrofe/layouts section of the FunKey S file system. Next, open the layouts.list file (also located in /mnt/FunKey/.retrofe/layouts) in a text editor and add the name of the theme to the theme list (if the theme's folder is called Retro, for instance, add Retro to the theme list). If you don't see the .retrofe folder, your computer's Unix-based operating system is hiding hidden folders. To enable the viewing of such folders on MacOS, use the Shift+Cmd+Period key combination. To do so on ChromeOS, click the three-dot icon at the top-right of the Files application and select the Show hidden folders option.

Once this is done, eject the FunKey S and navigate to the SET THEME section of the RetroFE menu. To make the new theme appear on the theme list, switch RetroFE to a different theme than the current one. Once you return to the theme list after this, the new theme will be listed alongside the default ones. If your device's screen goes black upon changing to the new theme, there is an issue with that theme's files. To remove the theme, and thus allow the device to default to the Classic theme, begin by booting the device into recovery mode by closing it, reopening it, and immediately pressing down the FN and Start buttons simultaneously until the FunKey S logo and a wrench and screwdriver icon appears on the screen. Once you see the word INFO in the top left corner, press the down button once to change it to USB MOUNT. After plugging the device into your computer, press the A button to mount the device to your computer and navigate to the /mnt/FunKey/.retrofe/layouts file location. After deleting the new theme's folder and reverting the changes made to the layouts.list file, press the A button again to unmount the FunKey S from your computer (if you are using a Mac, you will need to first eject the device from the computer). Once the device is closed and reopened once more, it will boot back into RetroFE, defaulting to the Classic theme.

If a significant revision is made to one of the existing themes, it will be listed as a separate version of that theme for users to choose should they wish to. Theme versions highlighted in yellow include parallax scrolling backgrounds.
Name Screenshots Artist Download
Systems Games
Bond     Reno Link
FunKeyRed     Link
FunKeyYellow     Link
Fusion     ewior085 Link
Marblewave     Link
MarblewaveBlue     Link
MarblewaveDark     Link
Nebula V1     Link
V2     Link
Neon V1     Reno Link
V2     Link
Pixxel     Link
RetroRoom (see below)     Link
RetroRoomCovers (see below) V1     Link
V2     Link
Superlopez     mlopezmad Link
Sweetch     Reno Link

RetroRoom Themes Optional Modification

As the FunKey S is capable of emulating both the Sega Genesis (Mega Drive) and it's add-ons, an alternative icon of the console including the add-ons can be downloaded here for use with any of the three RetroRoom themes listed above. To apply the alternative icon to one of the themes, simply extract the theme folder, navigate to the Sega Genesis system_artwork subfolder (ex. /Downloads/RetroRoomCovers/collections/Sega Genesis/system_artwork), and replace the existing device_W240.png file with the alternative one. Once the image is replaced, the new icon will be visible when viewing the theme on the FunKey S.


To use one of the Gmenu2x skins listed below, begin by downloading and extracting its associated ZIP file. With the FunKey S mounted to your computer, copy and paste the generated folder into the /mnt/FunKey/.gmenu2x/skins/240x240 section of the FunKey S file system and eject the FunKey S. If you don't see the .gmenu2x folder, your computer's Unix-based operating system is hiding hidden folders. To enable the viewing of such folders on MacOS, use the Shift+Cmd+Period key combination. To do so on ChromeOS, click the three-dot icon at the top-right of the Files application and select the Show hidden folders option. Once this is done, navigate to the Settings tab of Gmenu2x and select the Skin application, where you can switch to the newly installed skin. In selecting a skin to download, be aware that each has three versions based on how many icons are displayed on-screen at once, with either two icons vertically and horizontally, three icons vertically and two icons horizontally, or three icons vertically and horizontally. To adjust a skin beyond the options provided here, change the parameters listed in its .conf file.

Name Screenshots Download
2x2 2x3 3x3 2x2 2x3 3x3
2Blue2       Link Link Link
Amiga       Link Link Link
Amiga ST       Link Link Link
AROS       Link Link Link
BeOS       Link Link Link
Black       Link Link Link
DekUI       Link Link Link
Flat       Link Link Link
Gnome       Link Link Link
KDE       Link Link Link
LCARS       Link Link Link
Liquido       Link Link Link
Mac OS 9       Link Link Link
Material       Link Link Link
OldBoy       Link Link Link
OS2 Warp 4       Link Link Link
PS4       Link Link Link
PSNext       Link Link Link
PSNext Dark       Link Link Link
QNX       Link Link Link
Star Wars       Link Link Link
Windows 3.1       Link Link Link
Windows 7       Link Link Link
Windows XP       Link Link Link
Zelda       Link Link Link