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From The FunKey Wiki
Created page with "</div> Via l'utilisation de fichiers ''KEY'', les entrées de tous les systèmes et jeux émulés par la FunKey S peuvent être remappées par l'utilisateur. Cela inclut les e..."
(Created page with "<div style="text-align:center;"> === Les entrées FunKey S peuvent-elles être remappées ? ===")
(Created page with "</div> Via l'utilisation de fichiers ''KEY'', les entrées de tous les systèmes et jeux émulés par la FunKey S peuvent être remappées par l'utilisateur. Cela inclut les e...")
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Via thel'utilisation usede offichiers ''KEY'' files, theles inputsentrées forde anytous systemles and/orsystèmes et gamejeux emulatedémulés bypar thela FunKey S canpeuvent beêtre remappedremappées bypar the userl'utilisateur. ThisCela includesinclut systemles shortcutentrées inputs,de someraccourci ofsystème, whichque userscertains mayutilisateurs wishpeuvent tosouhaiter relocatedéplacer orou disabledésactiver shoulds'ils theyne notsont bepas commonlycouramment usedutilisés orou interfereinterfèrent withavec gameplayle jeu. WhenLorsqu'un afichier ''KEY'' fileest is usedutilisé, itil modifie les entrées modifiesdéfinies thepar inputsle setfichier byde themappage systemd'sentrée defaultpar inputdéfaut mappingdu filesystème, availabledisponible foren downloadtéléchargement [ hereici]. ThisCe filefichier definesdéfinit via thel'utilisation usede ofla thefonction ''MAP'' function whichquel shortcutraccourci (such ascomme ''brightness up'') orou inputentrée (such ascomme ''KEY_R'') isest associatedassocié withà whichquel buttonbouton (such ascomme ''START'' ) orou buttonune combinationcombinaison (suchde asboutons (comme ''FN+UP''). AsComme alltoutes inputsles areentrées alreadysont predefineddéjà byprédéfinies thispar filece fichier, onlyseules inputsles beingentrées modifieden shouldcours bede includedmodification indoivent être incluses dans les fichiers ''KEY'' files.
In addition to its regular input mapping functionality, the ''MAP'' function is also used to overwrite previous mappings with new ones. To do this, following the word ''MAP'' the button or button combination and input or shortcut be remapped should be defined, seperated by the function ''TO KEY'' if remapping inputs or zoom or aspect ratio shortcuts, or ''TO COMMAND'' if remapping any other shortcut. Should the user wish to create a ''KEY'' file that switches the A and B inputs, for instance, all that would be needed would be ''MAP A TO KEY KEY_B'' on the first line and ''MAP B TO KEY KEY_A'' on the second. Note the formatting of the inputs; KEY_A and KEY_B. All inputs, as well as the zoom in, zoom out, and aspect ratio shortcuts, are defined in ''KEY'' files by ''KEY_'' followed by a letter. Should remapping occur without the input of the secondary button swapped to the first button (whether due to that input being moved to an empty slot such as FN+START or simply overwritten and not replaced), the ''UNMAP'' function should first be used to remove the original mapping so that the input is not mapped to two buttons simultaneously. For instance, should a user wish to remove the aspect ratio shortcut and move the snapshot shortcut to its place, the ''KEY'' file for doing so would simply have ''UNMAP FN+UP'' on the first line and ''MAP FN+DOWN TO COMMAND snapshot'' on the second. In creating ''KEY'' files, note that due to a glitch with the formatting of such files, games with apostrophes in their title currently must be renamed to have ''KEY'' file support (such as renaming ''Kirby's Dream'' to ''Kirbys Dream''). For additional ''KEY'' file examples, view the [[List of games with compatibility issues#Games that require adapted controls|adapted control section]] of the FunKey Wiki's game compatibility list.
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